IT Squared / Cloud-Native Integration for Riverbed APM is pulling metrics from AppInternals using API with categories and filters. Each entity is defined by its AppInternals ID, and can have “pretty” name for Splunk/ElasticSearch searches. One way to gather IDs of applications and transactions that you want to ingest is AppInternals Web UI – set a filter on app or transaction and write down id from URL in browser. This works just fine for small scope.

But if you are looking for metrics fron lots of apps and transactions – we recommend to get a list of Name – ID pairs via API and choose what you need from the request results. All you need is a minute or two and AppInternals credentials with API access. Follow these steps:

  1. Create credentials json file login_request.json with the following contents:
    { “username”: “AppInternals_username”, “password”: “AppInternals_password” }
  2. Login and store cookie for API requests:
    curl -k –cookie-jar curl-cookies -H “content-type: application/json” -d @login_request.json
    Expected results:
  3. Get Applications IDs:
    curl -k –cookie curl-cookies -X GET > applications.json
  4. Get Transaction IDs:
    curl -k –cookie curl-cookies -X GET > transaction_types.json
  5. All the information you need is stored In applications.json and transaction_types.json files now. Reference it for application and transaction IDs when preparing configuration file for the
    IT Squared / Cloud-Native Integration for Riverbed APM.

Note: Change server name in all above commands if you are using on-premise AppInternal.

There are other requests you might be interested in:

curl -k –cookie curl-cookies -X GET
curl -k –cookie curl-cookies -X GET > object_categories.json
curl -k –cookie curl-cookies -X GET > metric_names.json
curl -k –cookie curl-cookies -X GET > statistics.json

